Ussy Sulistiawaty is woman have zodiac Cancer born in Jakarta, 13 July 1980 working as sinetron actress and presenter show as MC. Her program show present like as Kontes Dangdut TPI and Kabar-Kabari.
Juwita Thofany Sanjaya (born in Tangerang 11 January 1996) is dangdut singer and sinetron actress that socong daughter from Memo Sanjaya and Annisa Bahar. She starting famous when sin a song tittle Kucing Garong in SCTV Music Awards 2007. She ever staring sinetron Eneng from MD Entertainment.
Uwy Jusbine, 27 years old Indonesian model from Medan, in a blue bikini (34B bra) at a swimming pool. She became known through winning Auto Blizt contest. UWY JUSBINE (Born in MEDAN, July 5 1980) Indonesian Hot Model from Medan, I MISS 'AUTO BLIZT' CONTEST. she look so hot in sexy bikini
Singer song of Heart, Acha Septriasa come up do not as usual. With black chromatic canal clothes, turn white top tank model string, and also without Your Exellency sting the the dancing, he trys to come up maximal in intake of newest clip video picture of him.
moment of Break syuting, Acha the vexedness with picture result draw near screen monitor and witness existing record. Husk of Acha which is brown chromatic and also part of back even also seen clearly, moment he walks becoming here. Although up make weared do not too abundant, former lover of Irwansyah the chumminess addressed by this Acha remain to look nice to capture.
Effect have schedule of syuting too solid, Femmy Permatasari protested by Love is love fruit of with Ir. Ocean of Djaja. As a mother, Femmy even also feel sorrowful and have time to mind, why he during the time always pursue items, so that Your Exellency seldom family. Woman which have never got out of this smile even also lay open a bitter fact, that harmonious [of] household which he constructs with beloved husband since year 1999 have time to annoyed because time met seldom exist. Femmy Permatasari have time to dilemma, [among/between] sacrificing family or his career. But in the end all that he can overcome, by making well-balanced [among/between] the work of [in] family and entertainment.
Within reason citizen clan of Tionghoa, Sandra Goddess owning the name of genuiness of Chen Lie San partake celebrated new year of cina, Gong of Xie Fat Choi. Of result of didikan his Grandmother ( old fellow of father) big girl [in] Jetty Areca, This Bangka trust some myths of imlek like; prohibited to clean house, have to use new clothes from outside until in, Prohibited to fulminate or emotion mengumbar, and [is] obliged to use bold chromatic cloth. Though rather bizzare, but logically according to Sandra Goddess, all that myths (it) is true truely correct. At the same time joke, he takes one of [the] myth example [of] and formulate her.
Double Love road;street [of] Andhika with former the girlfriend of making x'self feel like love prince . Although the love story of not yet can end in happyly, some beautiful artists have sticked his liver, among others is Poppy Flower and of Ayu Shita. Getting Epithet love prince make Dika have to more goting wise to loves. For him[s, with that predikat have to really comprehend love world. According To Double Muhammad [of] Andhika, He will become a real pecinta when becoming the the love prince. Man birth of Bandung 3 of April 1986 this also look into if to become prince love not merely have handsome face capital [to]. But also have to have good attitude and sensitive feeling. At the same time the eye blink of Dika add also should be able to be in control of the name of love.
Do not only skilled have acting, cutie of[is owner of complete name [of] Oil lamp of Sastrowardoyo this also the including smart figure and full (of) full (of) calculation in behaving. Moment met [by] [in] a opportunity voice opinion as member of Indonesia film society [in] a meeting hall, Oil lamp look business with the him of before coming forth. After giving a few/little description, Oil lamp even also start to bolt to go without media Your Exellency which will enquire. At the same time isn't it lead and also demonstrate sexy lip [of] him, he even also elapse as great as asking where car fetching her.
Famous to Nia Ramadhani (it) is true pass acting world of sinetron. But lately He starts to fly the name of him pass wide [screen/sail] film. Although have seven year of Nia dabble [in] sinetron He confesss more enjoy to sharpen role [in] film than [in] sinetron.
Time efficiency which do not too old make satisfied him for the pendalaman of character [at] a film. Girl which have played at [at] this three film title also lick lips when audience have to pay for to see the acting of cinema than only television channel change over. Familiarity attitude very the acquisition of when experiencing syuting because solid time intensity [in] film. Prianti Light of Ramadhani also confess if acting to a film more are there his than too sinetron [of] acting over.
Popularity have been got by actress playing at in film of comedy, Quickie Express. Popular have made this beautiful woman always exclusive to maked in each opportunity of appearance . Such as He Have feel when meeting mass media in warrior town.
At arrival in Surabaya, Direct Sandra fetched with car which the was assuming of luxuriant, placed by in luxuriant hotel, getting food which have ready to be eaten direct and to be brought to go home. Besides He is also brought to encircle the the town and each;every what is showed by sure him is always got.
Woman which have this 4 year single it is true always give the bestness at kesempata meet mass media, become is not surprise if He gets very special treatment. But all got affluences and felt by characterization of this Beautiful Love was so that the making of having to under developed of plane go home.